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Jessica Albas Character Wig In New Fantastic Four Movie

Jessica Alba's Character Wig in New Fantastic Four Movie

Blonde Bombshell or Wigged Out?

Alba's Hair Journey with Sue Storm

In the upcoming Fantastic Four movie, Vanessa Kirby will take on the iconic role of Sue Storm, but she's far from the first actress to don the invisible woman's mantle. In 2005, Jessica Alba portrayed Sue Storm in the first Fantastic Four film.

Alba's portrayal had one notable difference from the comic book character: her blonde hair. Sue Storm is typically portrayed as having dark hair, but Alba's natural hair color was too close to her co-star Chris Evans, who played the Human Torch.

Alba wore a blonde wig for the role, which she later regretted. The bleaching process damaged her hair, and she had to wear extensions for years afterwards to repair the damage.

In the sequel, Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, Alba's character was given a more comic book-accurate look, with dark hair. However, this time, Alba bleached her own hair to achieve the desired effect.

Alba has since said that she regrets bleaching her hair for the role, and she's glad that Kirby will be able to portray Sue Storm without having to damage her own hair.

Fans of Jessica Alba and the Fantastic Four will have to wait and see if Kirby's portrayal of Sue Storm will live up to the legacy of Alba's iconic performance. But one thing is for sure: Kirby will be the first actress to play Sue Storm without having to sacrifice her hair.
